Motor Minesweeper's were purpose built, wooden, shallow draft, minesweepers with both SA and LL sweeping capabilities. SA is Sweep Acoustic, a device similar to a Kanga Hammer which makes a loud thumping noise which exploded the acoustic mine. LL (double L) is a pair of electric cables which are towed parallel to each other on floats and emit a strong electric pulse which generates a magnetic field which detonated the magnetic mine.

Four Hundred and two Motor Minesweeper were built for the Royal Navy between 1940 and 1945.

​MMS 57 was built by Wilson Noble, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, who built 22 Motor Mine Sweepers during WW2

Admiralty type; 1 to 118 and 123 to 313
Displacement      165 Tons
Length:                 105 Feet (32 metres)
Beam:                   23 Feet (7 metres)
Draft:                    9 feet 6 inches. (2.9 Metres)
Engine:                 Diesel. 500 BHP.
Speed:                  12.65 Miles per hour. (11 knots)
Complement:      20 Officers and men.
Armament:          Two 20 mm Anti-aircraft guns
                              Two machine guns.

The men of the MMS 57 received high praise and awards for their courage.

MID. (Mentioned in Dispatches)
William John BARBER, LT/JX261666, Seaman, 3 Apr 45. MID. Minesweeping - MID awarded for great gallantry and endurance in clearing the Scheldt estuary of mines Sep-Nov 1944.

MID. (Mentioned in Dispatches)
T/Sub Lt RNVR  John Leslie DUSSECK, 22 Dec 42. MID Minesweeping - MID awarded for courage, endurance and devotion to duty in minesweeping operations. Channel June 1942.

​DSC (Distinguished Service Cross) 
T/Lt RNVR. Gordon HIBBS, 22 Dec 42, DSC. Minesweeping - DSC awarded for courage, endurance and devotion to duty in minesweeping operations. Channel June 1942.

MID. (Mentioned in Dispatches)
Joshua Stanley KELLY, L/JX174479, L.S. 4 Sep 45. Minesweeping - MID awarded for courage and determination in clearing a passage into Rotterdam, Yjmuiden and Den Helder thereby making possible the swift relief of Holland. Operation Fireball.

DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) 
Sidney Victor LEWIS, LT/KX112130, Engineman RNPS 22 Dec 42 DSM (while with MMS 60) Minesweeping - DSM awarded for courage, endurance and devotion to duty in minesweeping operations. Channel June 42.  3 Apr 45, MID (While with MMS 57) MID awarded for great gallantry and endurance in clearing the estuary of the Scheldt of mines during the period of September to November.

DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) 
Joseph Flett PARKER, LT/KX107484, Engineman. 22 Dec 42 DSM. Minesweeping - DSM awarded for courage, endurance and devotion to duty in minesweeping operations.

DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) 
Herbert Edgar PARROTT LT/JX198970, LS. 3 Apr 45. DSM. Minesweeping - DSM awarded for great gallantry and endurance in clearing the estuary of the Scheldt of mines during the period of October to November 1944.

DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) 
George Robert SCOVELL, LT/KX114218, Engineman. 9 May 44 DSM. Minesweeping - DSM awarded for enterprise and skill minesweeping.

The heroic MMS 2057. Her crews numerous citations  proving they were the bravest of the brave.  The MMS 2057's crew  demonstrated (Quote) "great gallantry and endurance in clearing the estuary of the Scheldt of mines."
​Photos from John Sterland who’s Dad  Alfred Sterland was her Chief Gunner.

​​OFFICERS from Navy List August 1942.
Temp. Lieut., R.N.V.R., G. Hibbs. 16 Jan 42
Temp.Sub- Lieut., R.N.V.R., J. L. Dussek. 16 Jan 42.

OFFICERS from Navy List June 1943.
Temp. Lieut. RNVR, G. Hibbs. 16 Jan 42
Temp. Sub-Lieut. RNVR, J. L. Dussek. 16 Jan 42.

OFFICERS from Navy List Dec. 1943.
Temp. Lieut. RNVR, A. Hensser (In Command) 10 Sep 43.
Temp. Sub-Lieut. RNZNVR, J. A. Childs. 17 Sep 43
Temp. Act. Sub-Lieut. RNVR. R. H. G. Teal. 10 Sep 43.

OFFICERS from Navy List June. 1944.
Temp. Lieut. RNVR,  C. Hustler. (In Command) 10 April 44.
Temp. Sub-Lieut. RNZNVR, J. A. Childs. 17 Sep 43
Temp. Act. Sub-Lieut. RNVR. R. H. G. Teal. 10 Sep 43.

OFFICERS from Navy List January 1945.
Temp. Lieut. RNVR,  C. Hustler. (In Command) 10 April 44.
Temp. Sub-Lieut. RNZNVR, J. A. Childs. 17 Sep 43.

OFFICERS from Navy List July 1945.
Temp. Lieut. RNVR,  C. Hustler. (In Command) 10 April 44.
Temp. Sub-Lieut. RNZNVR, J. A. Childs. 17 Sep 43.

MMS 57, Built by Wilson Noble, Fraserburge, Scotland. Launched 21 October 1941. Sold January 1957.

MMS 57 took part in Operation Calendar Two, clearing the Scheldt Estuary of mines and opening up the port of Antwerp to supply the Allied armies who by then had over extended supply lines reaching all the way back to the Normandy Landing Beaches.

MMS 2057. Photos from John Sterland who’s Dad Alfred Sterland was her Chief Gunner.

MMS 57

If you, your father or your grandfather have any additional information about this ship, crew lists, stories, photographs, please send copies of them to be added to our records and this website.

Thank you.

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Watch these short videos about the Wildfire III Minesweepers.
D-day minesweepers:
Clearing the Scheldt:
The Relief of Holland: